Monthly death toll in Syria

Aleppo, Syria Aleppo, Syria Photo by Jorge Villalba on iStock

10 March 2021

Syrian Observatory for Human Rights recounted the death toll during February 2021 in Syria.

According to the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, there were approximately 476 people killed in February 2021 due to the ongoing violence in the northwest of the country. The Observatory for Human Rights documented these deaths as 139 civilians, 21 children under the age of eighteen, and 15 women under the age of eighteen.

The Observatory was also able to identify how each civilian was killed and reported that “five civilians were killed by surface-to-surface missiles fired by Russian forces, seven civilians, including a child and two women, were killed in shelling by regime forces, 11 civilians died from torture in regime prisons, two civilian were killed by opposition factions, one man and a child were killed by Syria Democratic Forces (SDF), eight civilians, including two women and one children, were killed in Improvised explosive device (IED) and grenade explosions, 26 civilians, including seven children under the age of eighteen and two women over the age of eighteen, were killed in explosions of old landmines, two children were killed by the Turkish border guards “Jandarma”, 53 civilians, including six women and five children, were killed in separate assassinations across Syria, two civilians were killed in explosions of booby-trapped vehicles, 21 civilians, including three women and four children, were killed in unknown circumstances.”

The United Nations Office for the Coordination of Human Affairs (OCHA) reported that murder has become an increasing threat in Syria over the past year, especially at the hands of Syrian regime forces and militias. These groups target civilians specifically and thus are making the country much more dangerous for innocent groups of people.


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Author: Gabriella Pavlakis; Editor: Sitara Sandhu


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